JUDICIARY Latest Features

SUGAR Team Updates CJ on Anti-Corruption Interventions
(L-R) HW Nambayo(Chief Registrar), Hon. Justice Kiryabwire (JCA), Mr. Tito Byenkya, Hon. Justice Katureebe (Chief Justice), Ms Valentine Namakula and Mrs Christine Birabwa Nsubuga (SUGAR -TUF)

The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, on Friday July 19, 2019 met a team from the Strengthening Uganda Government Anti-Corruption Response (SUGAR).

The meeting was to update the Chief Justice on the progress of the activities SUGAR is undertaking in the Judiciary in three courts, namely, the Anti-Corruption Court, the Court of Appeal and the Execution and Bailiffs Division.

The activities include supporting the automation of the courts, training Judicial Officers and other stakeholders, and other efforts towards fighting corruption and case backlog in the Judiciary.

The team included Ms Valentine Namakula, Mrs Christine Birabwa Nsubuga and Mr. Tito Byenkya. From the Judiciary, Court of Appeal's Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire(Chairperson Judiciary ICT Committee), HW Esta Nambayo (Chief Registrar) and HW Boniface Wamala (PLS to CJ) also attended the meeting.

Posted 19th, July 2019
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